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Please read the below information to help you with your booking, complete the booking form, and we will be in touch soon. For more ideas and prices, click the link below and have a browse.

Image by Samantha Gades

Make an enquiry now

Please make a booking or quote enquiry below.


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Thanks for your enquiry, we'll be in touch!

Booking form achor



Please allow at least 1 week of development time. Depending on availability of stock and requirements, displays can be turned around in 3 days if necessary but please allow as much time as possible.


You will receive a confirmation message of your booking request within 24 hours. This does not confirm your booking has been made but acknowledges your request.



Collection will need to be arranged by the customer Go Local, Sheriffs Highway Convenience Store, NE9 5UE. Please ensure you have appropriate space in your vehicle to transport the display. Measurement guides can be supplied to help with this. If you have specific space limitations for transport, please make this clear on your booking.


Please ensure you state on your booking form specific details on event and collection date and time required.



Balloon displays are made up of air and specialist balloons to increase longevity of the display. Please note customers have reported that balloons can often last weeks, if not months if looked after, but this is not guaranteed by us. This depends on the design and complexity of the display as well as room temperature and weather. Helium balloon bursts only last from 8 hours to 1 day so need to be created on the day of the event.


Colours and materials may look different in real life vs. pictures and photographs due to lighting, filters, and materials available.



A 25% non-refundable deposit needs to be made on confirmation of booking in order to order the materials. This can be done via Paypal. The remaining balance should be completed on collection day via PayPal or at the post office.


Please note if paying by PayPal please use the ‘Friends & Family’ option, or add an additional £2 to the total if using the ‘Goods & Services’. We are a small business and profit margins are very small.


PayPal link: 


Permission approval

Balloons by Roshini holds permission to use images of the displays created for marketing purposes, on social media and in industry competitions etc.


All images are subject to copyright for Balloons by Roshini.



Contact details

Once you have placed a booking or enquiry we will hold your contact details safely and only contact you relating to your order and for marketing purposes for Balloons by Roshini. Please let us know if you would like to be removed from this.

Booking Ts & Cs main

Booking Terms & Conditions

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Click here to browse the gallery with price brackets to help you understand how much to budget for your display.

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